A group of young people in Chennai, India made their own videos of experiential games they like to play so everyone could watch and learn how to play them too! This month on the KidsHubTV facebook page we’ll be featuring their videos. The young people were inspired after doing the KidsHub Media sessions. They wanted to use their new skills to serve so they made the explanatory games videos and posted them initially on the Max7 website so everyone could benefit. They figured it was easier to learn a game through watching than reading instructions and so they did something about it!
Engaging young people to serve others can take many forms, from taking a meal to another family as a family to making ‘how to’ videos. If you want to read more on this subject check out the latest article from the Aim Lower Journal – ‘Respond with Compassion (Helping children learn to serve)’ and take a look at those games videos on Facebook or KidsHubTV.