Every Saturday morning children in Ethiopia (and worldwide) are glued to the new TV show ‘Tesfa Teweled’ (‘Hope Generation’). One of only 4 Amharic children’s TV shows currently airing in Ethiopia it is gaining in popularity fast. “Children have been ringing us from rural areas as far as the Kenyan border saying how much they love it. Another child from the north part of Ethiopia called to tell us he and his friends in the village come together to watch the show” said Sami. Sami and a colleague from the Child Development Training & Research Centre (CDTRC) were inspired to make their own version of KidsHubTV in partnership with El Shaddai TV after attending a KidsHubs & KidsHubTV training in Uganda last year. It is the only Christian children’s TV show Amharic speakers can access worldwide via the El Shaddai Satellite network.
The show is divided in two halves: for parents offering interviews and advice; and then fun Bible animations, skill teaching segments & games just for children. Elizabeth the show’s Producer said “pastors, parents and children ministers have been calling from not only Ethiopia but South Africa and South Sudan Ethiopian churches too, telling us they like the show and seeking advice for their children’s ministry.” One mother called and said, “The show helps me to understand and value my children better and helps me to know how to relate to my children and how to nurture them holistically.”
Elizabeth, Sami and the CDTRC team make use of the free video resources available on the KidsHubTV website to help build their TV show. You can too!