In April this year, 10 children and 10 Sunday school teachers took part in a KidsHubs training event. They learnt puppetry to tell the good news of Jesus and focused on a servant leadership strategy and heart values to use in their local KidsHubs group.
The group were involved in filming a KidsHubTV show. This episode was designed by the Sunday school teachers to reach out to children from all backgrounds and religions in their community. They filmed a range of segments with children doing a short drama about sharing, a Ubabalo soccer skills session, acrobatics and a children’s choir. Preschoolers involved in a Helping Hands project were also caught on video. Interviews with both parents and children were also filmed about health & hygiene, the importance of good behavior & an education as well child abuse.
The team in Morogoro, TZ hope to make 100 copies of their KidsHubTV DVD to distribute in their community. Their next project is to create short 3 minute segments to upload on YouTube and
What about you? Could you film a short segment with children acting in a drama, teaching a song or interviewing each other? Sign up as a Producer (it’s free) on kidshubtv. Click on the ‘Menu’ top left of the homepage & get started!
For KidsHubs sessions on Puppetry click here.